Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I love those. Those are the best kind. SO MANY REASONS TOO!

1. The weather was nice today! I love days when the weather is nice and so life is just better.

2. Went to my new translation class today. Awesome. Taught by this CRAZY OLD BRITISH MAN. He is hysterical. So I'm a big fan. And I'm going to stick with that class for sure. He reminded me a lot of the old guy in the movie UP. Its like his lips kinda fold over his teeth and he has like that face and jaw and everything. And he just makes these great facial expressions but he is really funny and keeps the class' attention really well. I enjoyed it. So yay!

3. Meeting with the English coordinator. All is good with my schedule finally.

4. Went to one of my other classes for the first time. I was worried that it was going to be an analysis class like the other one turned out to be, but it was exactly what I wanted. It was just french grammar broken down into really simple terms. So now my schedule is really really finalized.

5. Talked to the women in international relations, and in the next 2 to 3 weeks I should be getting my stipend in full. In which case I will soon be RICH!

6. Miguel picked up the keys to the classroom I'll be teaching in tomorrow. One less thing to worry about. Yay for getting paid to speak in English!

7. I think I'm finished with my awkward french medical exams. I have another appointment next week, but I'm pretty sure that its just to put together the paperwork.

That is all I can think of for now. But YAY for a good day! I'm happy :)

P.S. - Guillaume is coming over in a few minutes. Another happy thing about my day :D

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